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Monday, 6 February 2012

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People AND 7 Secrets of The Highly Successful Trader

Effective People                                                                   Effective Trader

Habit 1: Be Proactive                  Take Complete Responsibility

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind    Have a system that fits you 

Habit 3: Put First Things First        Plan a trade & trade a plan   
Habit 4: Think Win-Win                 Positive Self Belief 

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand,     Learn Hard on how to trade
         Then to be Understood         properly and keep working

Habit 6: Synergize                     View Trading as a score in
                                       POINTS and not MONEY

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw               Keep Trading as part of a 
                                       balanced life 

Do a checklist of yourself using the golden rules i have listed. A trader life's pretty much about a game of hunt. A game which test your patience time and time again, common scenarios "I should have put a trailing stop loss to get the maximum profit " ; " got caught out by whipsaw again, i am only unlucky this time" . Well i say , shit happened. But the key to make pips is , you must trade the game well. Know what kind of hunter you belong to, then choose your choice of hunting weapon.

Whenever you hit a snag, recheck this article again. Happy Trading na krap.



Aud/Usd spot feb 6/7 th

Today we have Greece in for last day of talk for a deal . Expect to see volatility, the markets is bearish on riskier assets on the Euro and Aussie dollars.

I am expecting RBA to cut 25 basis off the current 4% . Short sell on Aud/Usd when daily candle can close below 1.0680. The rally from 24th nov has seen Aud strength gain 11.15% against the USD , 0.9680 to 1.0760 in early feb. Support for Aussie seen at 1.0350. Happy trading to all.

PipsFarmer. Make Pips . Keep Pips.